Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sulawesi Dancing

GandrangBulo originally just a simple dance similar to folk dances without a layout themotion raw style of the royal palace. This dance is a dance typical Makassar tothe accompaniment of gendang beat and violins, rang merrily along with typicalsong Makassar like Sumbang Kacayya. Besides easy danced, dance supplies arealso fairly simple, just use a small bamboo. Some dancers use two pieces ofbamboo about the size of seven inches, clipped in such a way between hisfingers, then ditetakkan until delivery noise is very distinctive yetsuggestive. Half the other dancers bring two pieces of bamboo which has beendeliberately broken and chopped on the edges. When the bamboo strips arepitted, then the sound will be "prapak pak pak pak, pak pak pakprapak", the sound that evokes adrenaline dancers and spectators

Indonesia hosting UNESCO meeting on cultural heritage

Indonesiais hosting the 6th session of the UNESCO Committee for the Safeguarding ofIntangible Cultural Heritage at Nusa Dua, Bali, on Nov 22-29.

Indonesia has been elected by acclamation as chief of the committee and host ofthe meeting by 24 would-be host countries at the committee`s fifth session inNairobi, Kenya, in November 2010, the deputy for cultural affairs to theeducation and culture minister, Wiendu Nuryanti, said in a press conferencehere on Tuesday.

"Indonesia sees intangible cultural heritage as a strategic issue andIndonesia itself has a wide range of cultural heritage," she said.

The session will bring together more than 500 delegates from 137 parties to the2003 UNESCO Convention on the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage,leading international non-governmental organizations, and experts in culture.

Indonesia has been the 83rd party to the convention since January 15, 2008.Since then, it has been actively participating in the safeguarding ofintangible cultural heritage.

Indonesia was appointed a member of the 24-nation inter-government committeefor a four-year term at the general assembly of parties to the convention inParis in July last year.

The convention is aimed at protecting intangible cultural heritage, such astradition, language, arts show, custom, knowledge and traditional handicraft.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Gending Sriwijaya Dancing

This dance was held to welcome thespecial guests who visit the area, such as the head of the Republic of Indonesia,the cabinet minister, head of state / government of the state, minister,ambassador or which is considered equivalent to that.To welcome the guests washeld a magnificent traditional dances is one of Sriwijaya gending, this dancecomes from the heyday of empire Sriwijaya in Palembang, which reflects theattitude host a friendly, cheerful and happy, sincere and open to guests whoare special.Sriwijaya dance gending held a 9 dancers young and beautifulclothes ber of Adat Aesan Gede, Selendang Mantri, paksangkong, Dodot andTanggai. They are the core of the dancers be under guard two other dancersbring an umbrella and spear. Are behind the singer is once gending Sriwijaya.

However, at this time the role of performers and music this train is more replacedtape recorder. In the form of original music suite consists of gamelan andgong. The role of guards are sometimes eliminated, especially if it be dance orstage in the building is closed. In front of the dancers take it as a Forewordto be devoted to the special guests who came, accompanied the two dancers whobring pridon made of brass. The Foreword is originally only done by girls king,sultan, or noble. Pridon bearer is usually familiar wet nurse or the nursedaughter. Thus the other dancers, dancers.

To welcome the guests was held amagnificent traditional dances is one of Sriwijaya gending, this dance comesfrom the heyday of empire Sriwijaya in Palembang, which reflects the attitudehost a friendly, cheerful and happy, sincere and open to guests who arespecial.Sriwijaya dance gending held a 9 dancers young and beautiful clothesber of Adat Aesan Gede, Selendang Mantri, paksangkong, Dodot and Tanggai. Theyare the core of the dancers be under guard two other dancers bring an umbrellaand spear. Are behind the singer is once gending Sriwijaya.However, at thistime the role of performers and music this train is more replaced taperecorder. In the form of original music suite consists of gamelan andgong. 

Therole of guards are sometimes eliminated, especially if it be dance or stage inthe building is closed. In front of the dancers take it as a Foreword to bedevoted to the special guests who came, accompanied the two dancers who bringpridon made of brass. The Foreword is originally only done by girls king,sultan, or noble. Pridon bearer is usually familiar wet nurse or the nursedaughter. Thus the other dancers, dancers.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Nias Island

  • Bawomataluo - the most well-known and accessible of all the southerly villages on the island of Pulau Nias, and perched rather precariously upon a hillside. Tourism has recently arrived in Bawomataluo and souvenir sellers will likely compete for your business. The views of nearby Orihili's rooftops are quite impressive, as are the occasional war dances and stone jumping performances. 
  • Botohili - a small and appealing hillside village situated on the peninsula of Pantai Lagundri. Rows of traditional houses make up the landscape of Botohili, while close by, Hilimaeta and Lagundri are also worth a look. 
  • Gomo- lying within the central highlands and close to a number of traditional village attractions. The Gomo area is perhaps best known for its ancient menhir monoliths and stone carvings, which are reputed to date back more than 3,000 years and are to be found in Lahusa Idanotae, Tetegewo and Tundrumbaho.
  • Hilinawalo Mazingo- a remote village with one main attraction, the Chieftan's House (Omo Hada), which is used as a meeting place for no less than seven surrounding villages. Pantai Sorake / Teluk Lagundri- located alongside Lagundri Bay and famed for its strong waves, perfect for keen surfers. At the beach of Pantai Sorake, the surfing season falls between June and October.

  • Teluk Dalam- a hectic port town, which features a good choice of shops and banks, and handy connections to outlying beaches.

Indonesian Music Via Bali to the World

IndonesianMusic Expo 2011(IMEX) to be held on the Peninsula at Nusa Dua, Bali November7-14, 2011

(11/6/2011) The originator of the idea for the Indonesia Music Expo 2011(Imex), Franki Raden, told a press conference in Bali on Friday, November 4,2011, that Imex is intended to serve as an inspiration for traditionalmusicians to help them express themselves in the challenging internationalmusic market.

“At this point in time, Indonesian music, especially traditional ethnic music,is known internationally, but few from this sector have managed to penetratethe international market,” explained Raden. Raden is proud that his countryIndonesia has a rich variety of music and cultures, with each area of Indonesiapossesing a distinctive style of music.

“The richness of Indonesian music, from Sabang to Merauke, if counted for itsvarieties is equal to Africa, Latin America and Europe. For this reason, Imexwants to give the widest opportunity to our musical heroes to win the hearts ofthe international music buyers,” said Raden.

Franki Raden is a nationally known music critic. He is also planning to publisha guide to Indonesian music for international distribution.

The Imex event at Nusa Dua will present more than 40 musical groups, includingthe Toba Ensemble (Sumatra), Kulintang (Sulawesi), Gambang Kromong (Jakarta),Sambasunda (Bandung, West Java) and Rindik (Bali). International musiciansexpected to perform, include TLJ Alliance (U.S.A.), Hunny Madu (Malaysia), andJack Lee & SKY (Korea).

During the series of performance each evening November 7-14 from 5:00 – 10:00p.m., an exhibition of musical instruments and musical workshops will besimultaneously held.

Kompas.com reports that international musical icon, Quincy Jones, is expectedto visit Bali on November 20, 2011, to attend Imex. Jones, an accomplishedmusician in his own right, has produced million-selling records for a number ofmusical greats including Michael Jackson. Raden told the press that Jones willcome to Indonesia to explore the wide Indonesian musical spectrum.

© Bali Discovery Tours. Articles may be quoted and reproduced if attributed tohttp://www.balidiscovery.com. All images and graphics are copyright protected.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Fire Filling Portable Gas

  • In incidents reported to NIOSH in the US, fires spontaneously ignited when workers or others attempted to fill portable gasoline containers (gas cans) in the backs of pickup trucks equipped with plastic bed liners or in cars with carpeted surfaces. Serious skin burns and other injuries resulted.
  • These fires result from the buildup of static electricity. The insulating effect of the bed liner or carpet prevents the static charged generated by gasoline flowing into the container or other sources from grounding. The discharge of this buildup to the grounded gasoline dispenser nozzle may cause a spark and ignite the gasoline.
  • Both ungrounded metal (most hazardous) and plastic gas containers have been involved in these incidents, a NIOSH Hazard ID said.
Recommendations for prevention
Construction workers and others in small businesses who often work withgasoline powered equipment commonly use portable gas containers. Homeowners usegas cans for their landmowers and other equipment.
  • Avoid the hazardous practice of leaving the portable gas containers in trucks or cars when refueling
  • Before filling, remove the containers from the vehicle and place them on the ground at a safe distance from the vehicle (provides path to dissipate static charge to ground)
  • Touch the container with the gas dispenser nozzle before removing the container lid (provides another path to dissipate static charge to ground)
  • Keep the nozzle in contact with the container inlet when filling (to dissipate static charge buildup from flow of gasoline)
Additionalprevention measures include:
  • Manufacturers or retailers - place a hazard label on all plastic liners being sold warning workers not to fill portable gas containers in the bed liner of the truck but always to place the containers on the ground before filling
  • Gas stations - display a warning notice near gas pumps to place all portable gas containers on the ground before filling
  • Manufacturers - build bed liners that can be grounded to the metal truck, thereby dissipating potential electrostatic charge

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Big ships to serve as Sail Morotai participants` accommodations

Anumber of big ships will be chartered to serve as floating hotels forparticipants of Sail Morotai 2012, the chairman of the event`s local committee,Muhadjir Albar, said here on Wednesday.

"We have a limited number of hotels and accommodations in Morotai andtherefore we will charter a number of big ships to serve as floating hotels forSail Morotai 2012 participants and guests," Muhajir said.

He said the local committee of Sail Balitung 2011 did likewise to accommodateguests and participants of the international marine event last year.

According to Muhajir, the Sail Morotai local committee would also encouragelocal people to allow their houses be used as home-stay accommodations for theevent`s participants and guests.

But he added the bedrooms and bathrooms of the houses that would be used ashome-stay accommodations must be renovated first with funds from the regionaland state budgets.

Meanwhile, chairman of the North Maluku branch of the Indonesian Hotels andRestaurants Association (PHRI) Christoper Harlin said the use of big ships andpeople`s houses to accommodate Sail Morotai guests and participants was anappropriate measure to overcome the shortage of lodging facilities in Morotai.

Christoper said he believed foreigners would prefer staying at local people`shouses rather than in hotels during Sail Morotai 2012 because they would liketo enjoy the natural atmosphere and interaction with the house owners